Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Destiny's Sarcasm

This post is dedicated to a loving father who recently lost his only son in an unfortunate accident. My heart goes out to both the parents. No words of condolence can replace their loved one. This is my small way to pay tribute to their loss.

The day
I held you for the first time
In my arms; Like a proud father
Your presence made my arms to sway
Your first cry;
Felt soothing like sound of a chime
Pretty eyes, twinkling with glee
My world, you had become
Sacrifices seemed worthy
For you I have lived; For you I would die
Many deaths

Picture- Google

I once again hold you; in my arms
For the last time
My senses nought, neither does my body sway
I search for those twinkling eyes;
Now lie unfeigned
I desire to hear you call me out
Behind me, you would hide;
Tease your mom with that wink and pout
You were my world, My Son
How will I live now? Today, I have died
Many more deaths

Picture- Google

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1 comment:

  1. Very touching.
    Hope no parents have to go through this pain...

    Hert goes out to the parents who have lost their children/young sons to corruption or terrorism or army-battles etc... IAS Officer DK Ravi is the latest casualty...
